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2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
Da Tong is misunderstood by everyone, family, friend, and foe, even though he has only the best intentions, and he carries the responsibility quite heavily, ma-ki-ng one wrong turn after another.
Gua Sha (The Treatment) shows how a person"s cultural beliefs are so deeply set within oneself that it is usually impossible to examine why you do most anything, from how you dreand talk to whom you love and respect and how you show it. The invisible nature of one"s cultural beliefs also makes it difficult to impossible to explain yourself to others when questioned.


Da Tong experiences an excruciatingly painful and difficult struggle while trying to protect his son, an ordeal that forces him to examine the validity of some of the most vital things he thought he knew about his identity, his Chinese culture, and the new American world he"d chosen as his home.