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2022-05-28 来源:百合文库
The first description of how Independence Day would be celebrated was in a letter from John Adams to his wife Abigail on July 3,1776.He described "pomp and parade,with shows,games,sports,guns,bells,bonfires,and illuminations" throughout the United States.However,the term "Independence Day" was not used until 1791.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the Republic for which it stands.One nation under God,indivisible,with liberty and justice for all.”
Happy birthday,America.
This past Independence Day, I saw two things that disturbed me greatly: First, people bashing America and its shortcomings; Second, people defending America blindly, while giving no thought to others’ criticisms. I’m a liberal and I more than acknowledge that there are problems with our country. Our executive branch is larger and more powerful than I’d like, our education system is broken, and our economic policy is not optimal for growth.