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2022-05-28 来源:百合文库


True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he"s a smart man who knows he"s smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child.
Here is a character who has four friends who love and want to help him, and he"s threatened by their help because it means abandoning all of his old, sick, dysfunctional defense mechanisms.
As Louis Armstrong once said, ``There"s some folks, that, if they don"t know, you can"t tell "em."" This movie is about whether Will is one of those folks.
心灵捕手(Good Will Hunting)
The name of the movie is Good Will Hunting, it tells a story of a lonely intelligent young man releasing his encounters in the past; learning to be loved and love others; “hunting” for the correct direction of his life through the things he experienced and the people around him.