2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
TED: 怎样从错误中学习
Diana Laugenberg: How to learn From mistakes
讲者分享了其多年从教中所认识到的一从错误中学习的观念“允许孩子失败,把失败视为学习的一部分”,以及从教育实践中学到的三件事:“1.体验学习的过程 2.倾听学生的声音 3.接纳错误的失败。”
I have been teaching for a long time, and in doing so have acquired a body of knowledge aboutkids and learning that I really wish more people would understand about the potential ofstudents. In 1931, my grandmother -- bottom left for you guys over here -- graduated from theeighth grade. She went to school to get the information because that"s where the informationlived.
It was in the books; it was inside the teacher"s head; and she needed to go there to getthe information, because that"s how you learned. Fast-forward a generation: this is the one-roomschoolhouse, Oak Grove, where my father went to a one-room schoolhouse. And he again hadto travel to the school to get the information from the teacher, stored it in the only portablememory he has, which is inside his own head, and take it with him, because that is howinformation was being transported from teacher to student and then used in the world.