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2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
11. Every plot is mapped out with dimensions.每一小块都会用尺寸标注出
12. From a public relations standpoint,abruzzi and apolskia were by the book.从公众角度出发,(杀)abruzzi and apolskia是按规定的。
13. Get some two-bit job? 找份廉价工打打?
14. Give me one good reason why I shouldn"t turn you in right now.给我个不告发你的理由。
15. Go nothing.别动
16. He acknowledge that whatever neuroses drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded. 他知道无论是什么神经机能病变导致的最初犯罪都是复杂的
17. He went out with his boots on.他死在工作岗位 。
18. He"s a closed book.他很自我保护
19. He"s got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest.他将头等舱伪造成装货物的仓库
20. Hit a sore spot,didnt I? 说到你痛处了,是不是?
21. How do you throw the hunter off the scent? Get rid of the prey.你怎么才能逃过猎人的鼻子? 扔掉猎物。
22. How was scofield able to have exclusive access to you? 为什么scofield能单独接触你?