天下熙熙皆为利来,天下攘攘皆为利往。夫千乘之王,万家之侯,百世之君,尚忧患贫,何况匹夫。 ——司马迁《史记》 朋友们,恐怕我的业余爱好与别人吃饭的家伙冲突了,所以不能再和大家分享克苏鲁神话了。 ----------------------...
2023-04-02Ⅲ 可是到头来,瓦德先生和威利特医生并没有针对这一离奇的情况采取进一步的动作。一片阴霾阻碍并混淆了医生与父亲的思绪——这片阴霾无影无形,让人无法对抗——因此他们不安地停顿了下来;而与此同时,年轻的查尔斯邮寄给双亲的打印信件也开始逐渐减少。到...
2023-04-02“既然你和融为一体了,那麦克斯,我问你个事啊”琉凌辰对麦克斯搭话道 “说吧” “我们在哪啊?” “这个吗……我也不知道,朝着先前时空裂缝的地点就瞬移过来了,对了,你家在哪来着,我用念力把我们送过去” 嗖~~ 琉凌辰还没有反应过来,随着一道光...
2023-03-06At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft III. None of us, I imagine, slept very heavily or continuously that morni...
2023-04-26At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft I. I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow ...
2023-04-26At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft II. Popular imagination, I judge, responded actively to our wireless bull...
2023-04-26At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft V. I think that both of us simultaneously cried out in mixed awe, wonder,...
2023-04-27At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft VI. It would be cumbrous to give a detailed, consecutive account of our w...
2023-04-27At the Mountains of Madness By H. P. Lovecraft IV. It is only with vast hesitancy and repugnance that I let my mind go b...