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2024-03-26 来源:百合文库


《孙劝权学》 First,劝says to 吕蒙 moon:"You today 当涂 hand things,no can no study!"蒙words 以army middle many things.劝says :"alone seven want you 治经for 博士 leaf!But 当涉猎,look往 things ear.You say many things,孰若alone?Alone often read book,myself think big have 所益。“蒙 milk start save study.及鲁肃crosses 寻阳,talk with 蒙,exciting moon:"Your today who 才略, fly 复吴下阿蒙!
”蒙moon:" 士别 three days,即更刮eyes 相 stay,big brother river see thing 之 late 乎!“肃year old bye the mother of 蒙,make friends ear 别。 ——————原文请参照:部编版语文七年级下册第一单元第4课《孙权劝学》(看下题目)
