Escape the Matrix(3)
Remove unnatural restrictions on emotional connections and soul connections (you can still choose to close connections anytime you feel that's best for you, this is more about restrictions that make it difficult to form connections)
Fully disconnect from Karmic Containment Units
Remove implants that harvest creative, sexual, intuition, visionary, connection, instinct, heart, Astral, emotional body, mental body, spirit body energies and Vital Energy
Remove all unnatural seals
Unrestricted connection with Infinite Source
Effects, continued
Reconnect higher self, Astral body, soul, emotional body, mental body, throat, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys to source
Creative energy, sexual energy, vital energy, subconscious energy, heart-centered energy, Astral energy, auric energy, higher self energy, holographic energy, multidimensional energy, soul energy, instinct energy, intuition energy, visionary energy, spiritual energy, mental energy, emotional energy, divine feminine energy, divine masculine energy, personal power, intellect/analysis energy are fully reconnected to Infinite Source