诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1269】(8)
2023-11-22 来源:百合文库
Wow Sefira castle pathway is indeed one of the best pathway group. Very flexible and only 3 pathways in the group. Only 3 enemies to look out for.
I wonder if this means Mr. Door will definitely be released to be hunted by Klein for his characteristic in the future.
can you imagine the sefirah castle of Sun Group. Holy Sht that group have 5 pathway.
Sea of Chaos group is terrifying. Omniscient with the Reader and Spectator pathways Omnipotent with Tyrant (raw power), Sun (purification), and Hanged Man (power copying) Reader, Spectator, and Hanged Man pathways all have respective beyonder ability copying as well. Reader with direct copy similar to a Scribe, Spectator can probably "envision" a beyonder ability, and Hanged Man can graze souls with abilities. Skeri skeri
Wow Sefira castle pathway is indeed one of the best pathway group. Very flexible and only 3 pathways in the group. Only 3 enemies to look out for.
I wonder if this means Mr. Door will definitely be released to be hunted by Klein for his characteristic in the future.
can you imagine the sefirah castle of Sun Group. Holy Sht that group have 5 pathway.
Sea of Chaos group is terrifying. Omniscient with the Reader and Spectator pathways Omnipotent with Tyrant (raw power), Sun (purification), and Hanged Man (power copying) Reader, Spectator, and Hanged Man pathways all have respective beyonder ability copying as well. Reader with direct copy similar to a Scribe, Spectator can probably "envision" a beyonder ability, and Hanged Man can graze souls with abilities. Skeri skeri