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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1243-1246】【含本章说】(13)

2023-11-05 来源:百合文库
Well, in the Forsaken land, it isn't the deity that has responded rather it is a result of their remnant powers. Leodero doesn't know what's going on inside
i think they can respond it just they can't harness full power especially those deity that had been there.. just like how Lovia can get respond from True Creator and they probably can't descend since that place is kinda seal space.. heck if Storm can see clearly i BET he will not send those thunder instead watching the fight silently while waiting for Blasphemer Klein to be defeated XD

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1243-1246】【含本章说】

No, no. This one was already stated both when Klein was testing it and when Kotar was observing Klein. It was stated clearly they can't respond here at all. It's just their remnant powers that will react violently when you mention their true names. This deities who don't have remnant powers in forsaken land, if you say their true names, nothing will happen. For example, God of Combat