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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【794-799】(20)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Hahaha.....The Fool being the Godfather of the Snake of Mercury.....I'm looking forward to it
A voice that was his? He couldn’t control it? What the heck?
Someone mimicking his voice, split personalities like the ring Dereck could have chosen or just a very very odd reminder from his spirituality?
Klein from the future? Roselle watching from the Astral World? Will Auceptin or Pallez Zoroast? Klein’s last incarnation before transmigrating? The former Fool who may or may not exist (Arrodes wants Klein to REGAIN his throne and Derrick mentioned the orb he initially used to connect to the gray fog was left behind by a former god in a different city state for his believers to pray with) or another high sequence Seer Pathway beyonder?

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【794-799】

Crestet Cesimir who’s sword he touched and recognized him? Or perhaps someone else from Tingen like Leonard or even Daly?
Pretty shocking no matter what. Nervous and can’t wait for the big 800.