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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【773-778】(17)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) Alessan
Brother :(
He does have 30 potion formulas though and most of them are pretty low level he so they should be fairly sellable maybe he’ll get some free money at least...
他手上都有30 种魔药配方了,而且大部分都是特别低的序列,所以在这里应该很好卖才对,也许他至少能在这里搞到一点钱……
(回复楼上) Alessan
32 Potion Formulas 1 Incomplete
- 7x Sequence 9 Formula (Seer, Bard, Spectator, Apprentice, Apothecary, Assassin, Lawyer) (~1750 Pounds)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【773-778】

- 6x Sequence 8 Formula (Clown, Light Suppliant, Telepathist, Trickmaster, Instigator, Barbarian) (~3000 Pounds)
- 5x Sequence 7 Formula (Magician, Solar High Priest, Astrologer, Witch, Briber) (~4500 Pounds)
- 5x Sequence 6 Formula (Faceless, Wind Blessed, Notary, Pleasure, Baron of Corruption) (~12000 Pounds)
- 4x Sequence 5 Formula (Marionettist, Ocean Songster, Priest of Light, Mentor of Confusion) (~16000 Pounds)
- 1x Sequence 4 Formula (Count of the Fallen)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【773-778】
