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绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文(14)

2023-10-25绿山墙的安妮津津有味英文读物 来源:百合文库
The Glory and the Dream
Anne's homesickness wore off,greatly helped by her weekend visits home.After the Christmas holidays,the Avonlea students gave up going home on Fridays and settled down to hard work.By this time,it was clear that the medal contestants were down to three-Gilbert Blyche,Shirley,and Lewis Wilson.The Avery scholarship was more doubtful.Anne worked hard and steadily throughout the exams,but still she was nervous on the day the final results came out.Anne and Jane were walking down the street together.Anne was pale and quiet; in ten more minutes she would know who had won the medal and who the Avery."Of course,you'll win one of them,"said Jane.

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文

When they arrived at Queen's,they found the hall full of boys who were carrying Gilbert Blythe around on their shoulders and yelling,"Hurrah for Blythe,Medalist!"For a moment Anne felt a terrible pang of defeat and disappointment.So she had lost and Gilbert had won! And then,somebody called out,"Three cheers for Miss Shirley,winner of the Avery!"
Matthew and Marilla came to the award evening to see the tall girl in pale green,who everybody whispered about as the Avery winner.