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小熊和大红皮书 (Little Bear and the Big Red Book)(3)

2023-06-28creepypasta 来源:百合文库
我决定保守这个秘密这么久,但现在,恐怕我不得不把它泄露出去。有人不知怎么找到了那部动画,并把它放在互联网上一个不知名的网站上小熊和大红书**前所未见的插曲* *一些病态的希望这将会伤害小孩。如果您找到它,请立即联系网站并将其删除。
感谢您花时间阅读本文。 原文 : I don’t know how to start this… but I’ll try.My brother was in film club when we were in high school and, after lots of begging, I was too.

小熊和大红皮书 (Little Bear and the Big Red Book)

We were assigned once to make an animation.
When we came home that day, my brother was acting strange and said, in a low voice, that he needed to start on his animation immediately. He went upstairs to his room without any further conversation. He stayed in his room almost the entire week. Leaving only to use the bathroom, eat, and go to school. I was worried and so were our parents, but we decided to leave him alone.

小熊和大红皮书 (Little Bear and the Big Red Book)
