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2023-05-16 来源:百合文库


Wuhan high-speed rail station, Summer Heat. A thin figure appeared in the crowd. The figure belonged to a young man wearing a t-shirt, a cap and a rucksack slung diagonally across his body. It's pretty normal. He is holding a piece of ID card in his hand, the ID card shows that the youth is called Ye Chen. "Five years, " he said as he walked outside the high-speed railway station, but stopped short when the tallest building in Wuhan appeared in front of him. He raised his head, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, the mouth is murmured: "RIVER CITY! "! I, Ye Chen, have finally returned! Five years ago, the banquet at Yunhu villa destroyed my family, leaving me to die alone. If my mother had not pushed me into Dongqian Lake with her last strength, perhaps there would be no family in Wuhan, ye Chen double fist suddenly clenches, a strong evil spirit spreads to all directions but go, the visitor around is to feel an invisible hand as if to strangle their throat! In an instant, it's hell! "Jeong kyung-ming! Dragon Lord! And the people who watched my parents get killed! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been saved by my master, and I wouldn't have come back with a magic spell that made the world cry. This time, I swear, I will make you pay a thousand times for anyone involved in that, ye Chen finally let go of his hand, hailed a taxi and headed for the city center. If it had been a few seconds later, the passers-by might not have been spared. Along the way, the past keeps surfacing, Ye Chen pain almost suffocated. He was born in a large family, food and clothing, although the circle is always called waste, a family of three is also happy. But it was that party in Cloud Lake Heights five years ago! His destiny has changed forever! His father offended a superior man in order to save a little girl! The man flew into a rage! SLAP MY FATHER IN THE FACE! He killed his father in front of millions of people! The whole process, no one stood up to stop! Including those who used to curry favor with the Ye family! Including my father's old friends! Even his trusted uncle! He was crazy, he struggled, he picked up a knife to the man rushed! But in the end, the man stopped him with one hand! He clearly remembered the man's indifferent eyes, and the ICY words: "Wuhan, what is this? Even if you are the top family, I can destroy it! And you, you overconfident little thing, I hear you're a known loser around here? Oh, you're GONNA kill me? A Hundred Years won't change the fact that you're useless!"To everyone's surprise, at this moment a woman suddenly rushed over, and with all her strength pushed the boy to Dongqian Lake! The moment of falling into the lake, the young man saw his mother rushing toward the man! With the determination to die. He thought his life was over, but he was saved by an old man downstream from Dongqian Lake. The old man took him into the isolation of the place, taught him the Supreme Alchemy, taught him to practice "nine days Xuan Yang Jie. ". These five years, in that ethereal place, nobody knows what happened to ye Chen. Only that there was a demon born, code-named Bloodthirsty Dragon! ... Wuhan Huamei Group. Ye Chen looked at the paper on the hand, and looked at the sign on the gate, sure when the right time, just walked in. This time, he had intended to go directly to the capital to look for the man who appeared in the Cloud Lake Villa. After all, the man he most wanted to kill over the past five years was this man. For clues about this man, all he knew was that people around him called Him Lord Long, who came from the capital city, the rest is blank. But before leaving, he was asked by the old man to go to Wuhan First, to find a girl named Xia Ruoxue. The old man once traveled to Wuhan, and Xia Ruoxue's grandmother has some love-hate Disputes, Ye Chen even doubt, Xia ruoxue will be the old man's granddaughter. Three days ago, the old man found that Xia ruo-xue would have a disaster within 100 days, and this disaster would most likely kill her, and Ye Chen's fate happens to be the purple gas lying dragon pattern that heaven can not detect, so it is necessary to break the situation, there is no other way except Ye Chen. As for how to break the game, the old man never mentioned, just let ye Chen take a step by step to see a step. " ... "stop! " Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, only to see ye Chen in front of two tall men of 1.9 meters tall, both wearing security uniforms, dark skin, sharp eyes, arm muscles coil up, it's very visual. Ye Chen eyebrow a pick, naturally impossible and this kind of security, explained: "Hello, I look for Xia Ruoxue. " One of the security heard Xia Ruoxue's name, sNEER: "you seek Xia Zong, rely on you? Ha, do you have an appointment? " "No. " Ye Chen is true way. "Do you have Huamei Group's Work Card? " "No. " Hearing this, the Guard's face became more and more haughty, and he looked down on ye Chen, extended his hand and pointed to the gate, huamei Group, one of the top 500 companies in China, is also one of the leading enterprises in Wuhan. As the security guard of Huamei Group, it naturally has a sense of superiority. They don't need to see anyone's face, just the removal of such outsiders on the line! Just then, several men in suits stepped out of a Mercedes E200. First, they went to the front desk and asked about it. They also seemed to be looking for Xia ruoxue. Naturally, they got the same result as ye Chen. They shook their heads and considered it for a few seconds, and I ended up waiting on the couch. Ye Chen also does not plan to be involved with the two security guards in front of him, pointed to the Sofa in the hall way: "That Way, I wait there for a while. " Finish saying, he then goes straight to the SOFA. But within a few steps, the two guards were in the way again. "Boy, you're fucking deaf, aren't you? Don't make me say it the third time. That's the door. Get Out! " One of the security guards points at the door and shouts menacingly. He had just arrived in Wuhan and didn't seem to have offended them? Then he pointed to the men in suits and asked, "why can they sit and wait, but I can't? " One of the guards scanned the leaves from head to toe, "even a country bumpkin like you still want to see President Xia? Don't Piss and look at yourself in the mirror. Go Away. If you don't, believe me, I'll throw you out. " Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, he realized that the two security guards weren't fit to sit and wait in their suits! Five years later, Wuhan is still the same Wuhan! "If I don't want to go? " The Leaf Chen facial expression sank down. "Do not walk? I see you want to die! " The words fall, among them a security guard is a hand to clap on the shoulder of the leaf Chen above, the arm blue VEIN IS VIOLENT RISE! The corners of his mouth showed a cruel smile, because as long as he gently force, at present this thin boy must fly three meters away! Just a few days ago, there is also an ignorant country bumpkin challenges his authority, as a result was directly thrown out of his hand, is still lying in the hospital! That security guard arm suddenly sends strength, but the leaf Chen Silk did not move! Gradually, the security guard's smile solidified! His face became even more frightened! For he found that the youth before him was like a mountain! I can't even lift it! At the same time, a feeling of death ran down his arm and down his back! He's soaking wet! Another security guard noticed something was wrong with his companion and smiled. "Stone, you can't do it, " he said. "You're sweating so much in the daytime. Did your wife Bleed you dry last night? I'll do it. " Then one of his hands

