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Peasant rumors of beauty

Where can you find a beautiful miss. A thousand beauties and a thousand tricks, they walk tall. If morning glow, they`ll be diligent to crow. More sympathize with them softly, and care for the rest of gentleman. Dare not slack. Virtuous quality moved heaven and earth. Play three inches square delicate, so they laughed and chatted. Only talk with their best girlfriend. Roaming the earth, they read private school, insight into the changing world, laughing nadhode. Set up a memorial archway, the faces are certificates the real thing. Think of it as a classic. They are full of learning, change the model of the cult. This is said to be the norm. A blank sheet of paper expresses the thought. As my generation, even if catter your treasure, you can`t have. Slender hands holding, gold boul, and small spoon. They were sucking their lips, hiding their faces, breathing. As a maid in the wall of an ancient city loulan, and the immortals in the painting. In wonderland or in the sky, gone with the wind on cloud nine, so yes. That`s too much of a rush to woo. 
